November 29, 2023

Blood, Sweat, and Chalk


It takes great motivation and dedication to continuously push yourself to the max, to the point of exertion. But I think there's more to it than 'just' motivation and dedication. They can be fleeting states of mind, coming and going over time. So what is the magic formula behind those who dedicate their sleep, energy, free time, and money to sports like powerlifting?

In a way, it's hard for me to say because I'm too close to it. I see the daily, weekly, and monthly 'grind' — the difficult days where you still need to go to the gym. The sleepless nights that make your training harder. The ups and downs of good and bad lifts. For me, it's become a way of our life, which is why I continue to document it.

I may not be able to step away and look at it from an outsider's perspective, but I can definitely give an intimate point of view from an observer's perspective. This competition in particular was actually pretty tough for both of us. We were both ill, and the weather was hot and humid, so the last thing you'd want is to add a competition to the mix. But we actually came away from it in one piece, with a few Personal Bests under the belt and a handful of images I can share.